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Our Courses

Undergraduate Courses

The Superior Course of Technology in Real Estate Business aims to train a qualified professional in the intermediation of purchase, sale, barter, leasing, property administration and management of companies providing services in the area of real estate business management.

The Higher Course in Technology in Logistics aims to train a qualified professional in managing the operations of logistical processes, promoting the safety of people, means of transport, equipment and cargo.

The Superior Course of Technology in Public Management aims to train a qualified professional to carry out the diagnosis of the political, economic, social and legal scenario in the totality of public management, as well as to develop and apply innovations in public management processes.

The Higher Technology Course in Human Resource Management aims to train a qualified professional to carry out the planning and management of people management systems, such as recruitment and selection, positions and salaries, training and development, personnel routines and benefits.

The Superior Course of Technology in Public Management aims to train a qualified professional to work in the management and operation of the main activities of retail trade, carrying out economic, financial and tax feasibility studies.

Our Graduation

FaciJampa has baccalaureate courses that can be taken remotely or in person. Choose yours and sign up! #VemPraFaciJampa

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